#17. Alberta and 21st Ave. May 2, 2015 - 6:22 pm

Yet another return. Again.

But it’s already been nearly 3 months since I was on this part of Alberta, and there’s something I was curious about: would the new benches go over as well here as they had on Russell or Alberta and 29th?

So I set up the benches in the early evening, and commenced to playing. It was kind of a late start, but there was about an hour of daylight remaining and I felt like I had just about enough energy to play that long.

The benches weren’t quite the boon I hoped for, but a few people sat down and hung out for a while. A couple of people sat and took in a song while their friends scouted the neighborhood for a…cab? Missing person? Later on a family of three sat down, and while the parents seemed reasonably interested in my song, their 8-year-old son was much more focused on a cup of ice cream.

Well, on a warmish spring day, I’d be crazy to think my act was any competition for ice cream. I always enjoy playing on this corner, but I’m not sure I’ll be back here soon. Unless it’s to get some ice cream of my own.

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